Senior School

Senior School
The qualifications offered at The British School of Paris lead to university entrance worldwide. Our examination results are consistently excellent and we are justly proud of our pupils.
For over a decade we can claim an almost unbroken 100% pass rate at A Level and consistently high performances, with well over three-quarters of candidates achieving Grades A and B. This track record compares very favourably with some of the best performing independent schools in the UK.
Why would you choose to study A Level?
A large variety of subjects are offered to A Level. We are also pleased to be able to provide support and extension possibilities; General Certificate of Education subjects in Year 12, the possibility to extend beyond A Level competence in French and Spanish for gifted linguists and a special Extended Project Qualification specially created to provide additional stretch and challenge and to better prepare students for the demands of University.
Detailed information about course content and assessment criteria can be found in the relevant Curriculum Guide.