6th Form and University Entrance

Senior School

Introduction to the 6th Form at the BSP

We pride ourselves on the fact that our students make informed decisions concerning their future choices and that most of them are successful in securing places at their first choice destination. They are assisted throughout the decision-making process by an experienced 6th Form team including dedicated tutors and the Head of Futures. In addition, the BSP uses the services offered by SPW Careers, a specialist careers advisory organisation based in the UK. Pupils across Years 10 and 11 sit the COA Profiling Test, and participate in a follow-up discussion based on the results, that assess the suitability of possible career options, and guide future decisions. Regular careers surgeries, talks and an annual Careers Fair are programmed into the 6th Form calendar and a programme of mock interviews by industry professionals ensures that students have honed their interview technique in advance of University applications procedures. A visiting roadshow with representatives from leading British Universities takes place every year.

At a time when it is increasingly difficult for University Admissions departments to differentiate applicants academically, tutors work very closely with students on their personal statements and there is a dedicated slot in the timetable for UCAS clinics. 6th Formers are encouraged to undertake as much meaningful work experience as possible.

The vast majority of BSP students leave our 6th Form to go on to university or some form of further education, before progressing to diverse and exciting careers. Many students go to universities in the UK and Ireland, though increasingly our students go on to study in highly-regarded institutions across the world. In the last five years BSP students have gained places at universities in over 25 different countries; this year’s destinations (2024) are listed below.

UCAS School Context Information (199kb)