Great results, great young people, great destinations. 97% to first choice.

A Levels represent a major academic challenge for each and every pupil.  Results day is the day on which we have the chance to celebrate their achievements.  With a pass rate of 98%, an A*-C pass rate of 88% our Year 13’s talent and ability are clear for all to see.

There is of course a danger of looking at headline statistics when considering the achievements of any group of students. Rather like tractor production statistics in the former Soviet Union, these statistics might tell you how many have been made, but do not necessarily tell you whether the tractors actually work. Exams tell us about only one element of our students’ character.  Over their time at school this Year 13 group have shown that as well as achieving in exams they have developed character alongside their academic abilities. They have worked to improve the school through their administration of the student council, they have told us what is important to them in school assemblies, they have been sympathetic listeners to other pupils who are finding life challenging. Their support of school sport, drama and music has been plain for all to see.  They have challenged themselves and have made the most of the opportunities on offer here at the BSP.

The most telling measure of their success is that 97% of students will go on to take places at their first choice of university or higher education.  They will go on to study at the world’s finest universities in a wide range of subjects. From the US and Canada to Kenya, the UK and France our alumni will study globally.  They will, I am sure, go on to contribute to their chosen institutions as they have done so here with a spirit of determination to make communities the best they can be.  They leave the school with not only qualifications of which they can be proud but knowing that wherever they go they have the capacity to be effective leaders and to put their talent to constructive use.

Today they should celebrate their academic achievements, these will provide them with a firm foundation as they go on to achieve still greater heights as they move to the next stage of their education.

Year 13, you have made us proud. We look forward to hearing of your continuing success.

Nicholas Hammond
