“All travel has its advantages. If the passenger visits better countries, he may learn to improve his own. And if fortune carries him to worse, he may learn to enjoy it.”

Samuel Johnson

It was the usual brisk start to the summer term, with the customary talk of impending exams and the excited greetings of pupils who haven’t seen each other for a couple of weeks. Chilly mornings and sunny afternoons. It has also been a week in which we, as a school, have welcomed a range of visitors to both of our campuses.

Education is enhanced by different perspectives. It’s always good to meet new people and it’s often a benefit to listen to new things, consider ideas that may be new and to reflect upon others that are told in a different voice. Our 6th Formers met with external trainers “It Happens” who gave them guidance on the ever present challenges of consent, substances and relationships. The feedback was positive and it would seem that constructive, life long lessons were learned.

Monday’s assembly in the Senior School was enhanced by the presence of visiting brigands and the requisite number of loyal musketeers. All for our annual Children’s Book Week celebrations.

On Thursday both campuses were visited by the General Secretary of HMC, Dr. Simon Hyde. HMC is an organisation that represents the interests of 300 of the top independent schools in the UK and some 50 schools across the globe. HMC represents our schools to governments and other agencies, provides training and builds networks of schools in the pursuit of educational excellence. It is the first time that a General Secretary has ever visited the BSP and Dr. Hyde seemed to have enjoyed meeting our pupils and finding out about the way that we approach education. As an historian he certainly enjoyed finding out more about our surroundings and the extraordinary events that have played out along the banks of the Seine.

Just as much as we enjoy welcoming people to our sites, we do like to visit other places. This week Year 5 have headed down to the stunning Auvergne region where they have been enjoying the chance to learn about volcanoes by climbing up them. We have the chance to learn so much when we take the time to see what we have read about or seen on screen. Development can also come by simply having to live with others when away from home.
Parents who are interested in finding out for themselves how visiting can lead to enjoyable learning are cordially invited to join us in this year’s Festival of Discovery field trip to Normandy. If that all sounds a bit much then our forthcoming jazz evening may well be a visit that appeals. I hope to see you at a forthcoming school event.

Nicholas Hammond
