DofE Bronze Expedition to Jambville
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Awards’ Bronze participants have been quite busy during the first five weeks of school. Our thirty-two Bronze participants spent their meetings planning their Adventurous Journey practice expedition. They planned two days of expedition, establishing Aims for the journey and creating route cards covering approximately 16km each day. All six teams then went on their Journey in Jambville on 8th and 9th October, camping at night and journeying during the day.
Using the journeying skills they had acquired prior to their expedition (navigational skills, outdoor cooking with a Trangia and setting up tents), each team navigated its way through the forests and fields, in very warm and beautiful weather, with a supervisor the first day but alone on the second day. We congratulate the students on completing their first journey.
To wrap things up, they are now creating presentational posters to encourage them to reflect on their journey and aims: what worked well and what could be done better next time.
They will then begin planning their assessed expedition, which will take place in the Spring.