DofE Practice Expedition

On 30th September, the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Silver and Gold participants travelled to the Dijon region for their practice expedition as part of their Award requirements. Laden down with their heavy rucksacks, they hiked their way through the area, following their pre-planned routes, journeying for almost 7 hours each day. The Silver and Gold participants were also required to pitch their tents, cook their meals, and settle in for what turned out to be a couple of wet nights’ sleep. Throughout the weekend, the pupils soldiered on (through a very rainy Saturday), hiking across forests and vineyards. Through it all, participants remained in good spirits as they put their map-reading and compass-using skills to the test. Bravo to these pupils for their perseverance and dedication as they now move on to completing the Skills, Physical Recreation and Voluntary Service areas of their Awards before their final assessed expedition next Spring.