Key Stage 3 Science Trip to Tenerife
During the latter half of the Easter holiday, 30 budding scientists from Years 7-9 attended the new Key Stage 3 Science Trip to the island of Tenerife. Although the group did not have the usual Canary Island weather for this time of year, it was nevertheless an amazing experience and a once in a lifetime opportunity.
The itinerary was as follows: Day 1: Marine Biology and Geology, Day 2: Volcanology, Geology and Astronomy, Day 3: Marine Biology and Lava Tubing, Day 4: Ecology, Botany and Ethnography, Day 5: Siam Water Park, Day 6: Last Day. Click here to see more photos.
“The best trip I have ever been on.”
“It was great to have these opportunities, I learned so much.”
“The trip was awesome.”
“It was the trip of a lifetime.”
Next year’s trip is already being planned and will be launched in the Autumn Term 2022. We expect another amazing trip so if this is of interest to you, we look forward to seeing you next year!
Mr Lindsay
Head of Co-Curricular Activities