Reception’s Visit to Cité des Sciences

We had a wonderful time at the Cité des Sciences on Tuesday although travelling on a big bus was exciting too, particularly as we had so few children! We very much missed our friends who were at home with nasty colds and coughs but hope that they love seeing these pictures so much that they will visit in the future with their families.

We went to the permanent exhibition for children aged 2-7 where there are five different zones which focus on the development of physical, cognitive and spatial skills. The children used their senses to explore, investigate, observe, experiment, discover and have fun!

There were so many different activities and everyone was able to work with their friends in a team, with a partner or on their own. We could have spent much more time there and highly recommend this as a place to visit again.

The museum staff were very friendly and helpful and there was a lot of excited conversation on the bus back to school, as well as a couple of sleepy children!

You can watch a little film below of the children in action, and please click here to see more photos.

Ms Lucca