Random acts of kindness can make a big difference.
As part of their Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, Nicholas and Kaan in Year 10 decided to send postcards to various EHPADs (retirement homes) on the island of Corsica. They googled, at random, the addresses of several homes and wrote a short note on BSP postcards. Little did they know these small acts of kindness would really touch the residents, many of whom have been separated from their families for months due to the pandemic.
Over the past week, Nicholas and Kaan have received dozens of messages from elderly people living in these EHPADs thanking them for their postcard. One reply says “we were very touched by your attention… the card made us very happy” and the director of another states that simply writing back to Nicholas and Kaan rejuvenated their residents and helped them to think about happier times. Click on the image to read more of the messages Nicholas and Kaan received. Perhaps the boys will inspire you to send some postcards to people who have been isolated away from their families for a long time.
Mrs Miot
10T Tutor