International Award final venture
The Covid 19 epidemic has changed the way we all do things and the International Award is no exception. Regrettably three expeditions scheduled for the Spring and Summer terms were postponed, and our planned Silver Venture to Burgundy was the first casualty.
With the easing of lockdown an opportunity arose to facilitate a Silver Qualifying Journey. As camp sites were still off limits, we decided to take advantage of The Award’s more flexible approach to expeditions during these exceptional times.
The three days of journeying would take place in the forests of Marly-le-Roi, St-Germain-en-Laye and Fausse-Reposes. Camping would take place on the school site with one tent per person and we would use the Lighthouse and school shower facilities. The expedition would end on Monday at the Abreuvoir in Marly-le-Roi.
The challenge was to ensure that we covered all 15 of the Adventurous Journeys specified aims, this was eased because we were able to use the participants experience on the practice expedition to Fontainebleau and their preparations for Burgundy when evaluating their preparedness.
The standard of planning, campcraft, route-finding and navigation demonstrated by all participants was exemplary, and their time keeping whilst journeying was spot on. They proved to be a cohesive group with a real sense of Team Spirit, each team member demonstrating strong leadership skills.
The campsite was well organised and the tidiest that we have ever seem.
Each participant gave a detailed account of a charity or cause supported by a fellow team member; this followed discussions during the first two days of the expedition. This was followed on the final day by a second talk based on their experiences of lockdown.
I would like to thank our leaders Miss De Bary and Dr Last, and our assessor Phil Troke for stepping up at short notice so that this expedition could take place. I would also like to congratulate Greg, Patrick, Cara, Aiden, Lukas, Chloe and Anais for successfully completing their Silver Venture and thank them for the energy and enthusiasm they have brought to the International award at the BSP. We extend our best wishes to all those participants who are moving to new schools and new countries in September.
Peter Shepherd IML Head of Expeditions