…citizen soldiers knew the difference between right and wrong, and they didn’t want to live in a world in which wrong prevailed. So they fought, and won, and we, all of us, living and yet to be born, must be forever profoundly grateful.
Stephen Ambrose
Over the years they have been described in many ways. The journalist Tom Brokaw called them “the Greatest Generation”. We may call them heroes or simply veterans, they are, of course, the D-Day generation. In many cases they were little more than schoolboys when they were charged with the task of prosecuting a crusade against tyranny. Modest and self-effacing, these veterans returned to Normandy yesterday not to receive thanks but to pay tribute to their fallen comrades. If we are to look for a defining feature of this generation it is in their acceptance of service as a key element of their existence. This characteristic is perhaps best personified these days by the Queen. She has seen Prime Ministers come and go, indeed she sees the last of another today but her mission does not change. She seeks to serve; today this steadiness seems more relevant than ever.
This week our Nursery class were studying palaeontology, a period of prehistory that also relishes in generating generational epithets. Cenozoic and Mezoic. Cretaceous, Jurassic and Triassic to name but a few. An inspiring week has been enjoyed by our youngest pupils as they have hunted for fossils, curated a museum and explored dinosaur filled worlds. How lucky they are to be embarking on the journey of wonder that is education. Historians have given names to many periods of history. From the Neolithic to the Industrial Era by way of the Dark Ages and the less stylishly titled Early Modern Period we delight in giving names to time. Similarly we try to personify groups with other titles such as Generation X or Y, millennial, slacker or snowflake.
Having looked at the ninety year olds on my television screen and having watched our own three year olds learning in such vibrant a fashion, I could not help to wonder what label would be given to them as a generation. Will their title be in response to environmental catastrophe, or a reaction to conflict or will it reflect a technological leap – the AI Generation? Or perhaps they will be the Responsible Generation? Will they be the group who question our behaviour as a species? Who knows? As a teacher (and indeed as a parent) there is only so much that can be done, the really important decisions made by the next generations are taken on trust. We can provide examples, give lessons but what is to be done is to be decided. We have to trust in those who are to come. Thus it is our job to prepare them well.
There are parallels between the growing generation and the greatest generation. Our school is a crucible of nations, cultures and ideas. In having had the opportunities to learn together and play together I believe that we are preparing people who will value cooperation above conflict, compassion above selfishness and service before self. It is our role to nurture these traits as best we are able. Being in the fortunate position of visiting many parts of the School each week I think we are certainly heading in the right direction.
Nicholas Hammond