Robert Morrison joined the BSP in 2016 as Head of Geography. Robert taught in London where he was Head of the Geography and Business departments at a London Academy.

He was born in Rome and went to an international primary school. He started teaching in 2010 with a PGCE from Middlesex University (London). Before this, he studied Geoscience at the University of St Andrews (Scotland) and went on to complete a Masters in European Business degree at ESCP Europe (London and Turin).

He worked in business in Ghana, Kenya, UK and France, most notably as Supply Chain Manager at the Olympic Delivery Authority building the London 2012 Olympic Games. 

BSP Geography students require detailed knowledge of geographical case studies, such as the Akosombo Dam (Ghana), flower farming and water scarcity in Lake Naivasha (Kenya), and urban regeneration, tourism and venue-building for the London 2012 Olympics. These geographical issues of which he has first hand, mainly business, experience are included in his teaching which helps students to apply geography to their future careers.


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